We provide services that support environmental conservation and regenerative agriculture using farmland zoning and soil chemical analysis technologies. Our initiatives include calculating GHG emissions and carbon removals in accordance with SBTi-FLAG, supporting emission reduction and removal activities, developing agriculture-based carbon credit projects, and promoting the use of agricultural materials that contribute to decarbonization.
We use machine learning to analyze big data in the agricultural field, combining satellite data with field data and other data, and then use the results of the analysis and our knowledge of agricultural science to turn them into solutions.
We are engaged in projects related to carbon insets and carbon credits through environmental conservation and regenerative agriculture. We will further expand the range of services we can provide by increasing the volume and types of data.
Develop GHG reduction strategies derived from farmland for companies with agricultural land in their supply chain (e.g., food and beverage manufacturers).
Support material manufacturers, such as biochar and biostimulants producers, by designing test fields and conducting effectiveness assessments for material evaluation.
Generate farmland-derived carbon credits and manage related projects.
Develop and provide soil analysis models tailored to each municipality for crop advisory.
We are looking for members who want to work together to solve agricultural problems!
Please feel free to contact us.